Benefits of downsizing before you retire
Date Posted: July 18, 2022

Unlike at Retirement Villages, homeowners within a Land Lease Community can remain working full-time, part-time or casually. This means you get to enjoy the best of both worlds – live life to fullest while continuing to make money for as long as you choose to.
Here are some of the great benefits of moving to a Downsizing Community before you retire:
1. Free up money (and keep earning it!)
When you move to a Land Lease Community, you’ll enjoy watching your wallet grow thanks to the many financial benefits that come with downsizing. Selling your existing home will allow you to free up a significant amount of cash which can be used to pay off your mortgage, invest or spend – the opportunities are endless. In addition to this, you’ll benefit from the household savings that come with owning a smaller, more efficient home – plus no stamp duty, no council rates and no water rates. All of this, on top of the income you’ll continue to bring home!
2. Upsize your holidays
With extra cash in your back pocket thanks to downsizing your home and expenses, you’ll have the freedom to spend more on travelling. The best part is, you can travel with peace of mind knowing your home and belongings will be safe and sound in a gated community while you’re away.
3. Reduce home maintenance
Forget spending your evenings and weekends maintaining your home and garden after a big week at work. Downsizing to a smaller, low-maintenance home means less time fixing and cleaning up, and more time doing what you really want when you’re not at work.
4. Work from home with ease
If you’re someone who enjoys working from home, you’ll be well catered to. Many Downsizing Communities offer modern homes with specially-designed office spaces, and clubhouses with libraries, computer rooms, free WiFi, meeting rooms and modern technology.
5. Design your dream lifestyle
There’s no need to compromise on your lifestyle goals when you make the move to a Downsizing Community. Whether you’re a workaholic or a serial daydreamer, you’ll be free to live life your way. After a hard day at work, you’ll come home to a friendly neighbourhood, facilities on your doorstep, landscaped gardens and a low-maintenance abode that doesn’t require much upkeep or repairs. If keeping active is your style, you’ll have the benefit of facilities on your doorstep like gyms, bowling greens and tennis courts. When it’s time to unwind, the pool and spa will be close by! Your lifestyle opportunities are truly endless!
When is the right time to downsize?
We’re firm believers that right time to downsize is when you decide to make it right! It’s not uncommon for recent downsizers to wish that they had done this sooner. When people downsize before retirement, they don’t just reap all the emotional, physical, and financial benefits, they also benefit from being young enough to make the most of their new facilities and freedoms.
Downsizing Communities really can help you live your life to the fullest before and during retirement. Explore our range of affiliated communities and take the first step to living your life to the fullest.
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash